What stands out in 2021 with In Home Health Care & In Home Care?

What stands out within last year, she says is”
I listened to a phone message from a client who was a midwife. At first, I wondered why a midwife would be calling me but when we spoke on the phone after I called back, I realized that this client was looking for home care for her parents.” As Grace said in the interview it turned out to be my wife Shannon Bennett whio is and my in-laws who needed help. That’s how I met Grace. At that time, we could not find anyone who had a team for 24 hours 7 days a week help.

I can say without reservation that Grace and her Priority Home Health Team were a huge answer to our prayers. That same call stood out to us. Words can;t explain how hard it was for us to find help. It was a very hard season in our area to get full time home care. With all the regional health challenges we needed help and soon. When my wife Shannon called Grace and they spoke on the phone we felt a huge relief. Months latter when I sat down with Grace and did this interview she shared with me how much she loves home health care and It shows. In her business that provides both in home service and her adult family home she gets to know the family and the client more. Grace shared how much this style of nursing means to her. She said being able to help families with her team of nurses and serve herself as needed was a big positive for her. Shannon’s parents and our family all got the oppurtunity to see it first hand.

Grace also has a Group home, so I asked her about that as well. Not only does she have the in-home care team she also has AJAN Adult Family Home, named after her younger sister’s initials who passed away. Grace wanted to keep her sister alive and her memory as well as a desire to provide care for people who needed care including respite care. In the group home Grace and her team can take over that responsibility with full time staff. In this group home the space is smaller, with a maximum of six clients. Grace says, “with fewer people you can provide a more personal care”. This for the client can make it more personal, than perhaps a larger nursing home facility. She feels that the client feels more a part of a family in the adult family home setting.

We observed Grace and her team providing in home health care services for our parents. At home our father was in bed, other times in his chair. In the hospital he would have been mostly in a bed. The services far more diverse for sure. They helped him with so much and that helps us keep dad home. Also I have to say I genuinely appreciated the input we had and their willingness to listen and adjust. For mom to walk through this season with dad’s and all his health needs would have been improbable without home health care.

So, some companies go in and just work with the client alone however, we go in not just to work with the client, but with the family as well, even doing some extra things to help the family members know that you care about them too.
Keith: Do you see home care as having more challenge? As well as a huge plus because you are more engaged with that client and that family?
Grace said, “That’s right, because in the home you as the caregiver is in tune with the significant others’ feelings about how their family member is not doing well and you try to meet them in the middle. You could take them out for a walk or even run an errand for them. That personal part of it is really where I am . I want the family to know that we care about all of them.
Grace always insists that they provide premium care with a personal touch.
How important do you think it is to the clients and the families you serve that you have this as a core value? Grace said, “It’s important because I want them to understand what I mean by the personal touch. It’s not just a matter of going in and giving care to the sick person but it is also a matter of listening to the family members and trying to also support them. So, some companies go in and just work with the client alone however, we go in not just to work with the client, but with the family as well, even doing some extra things to help the family members know that you care about them too. If the client is hungry get on it and prepare some food for them, if the bathroom or the room is dirty you can clean that up. That helps the family to see that we do not just care about the client, but we care about the home and the environment as well.”
I learned that Grace has these two ways that she and her team can provide a more “Premium Care & Personal Touch.” Priority Home Health Care and AJAN Adult family home.
We also provide basic home care which is different from home health.
We also provide basic home care which is different from home health. In home healthcare, you must get a doctor’s order to be provided care at home. On the other hand, with home care, you as the client decides what you need and how many hours you need for the care in question. We would be working with you directly for billing and what your needs are. You contact us and say I need these hours for care, and you decide exactly what you want.”
Keith: So, they hire you for Home Care and the other would be through an insurance company or through a white card doctor’s order or something like that.
Grace: Yes
Keith: I also saw on your web page that your team works together with Hospice. If they need to come in when a client is in need of this end-of-life care that they provide, will you work in the home still with the care the client needs? How does that work?
Grace: We work together with hospice in providing different services to the client. We provide personal care services including all activities of daily living needs for the client. We are at the client’s home for longer periods of time. We are with the client more than Hospice is, so we work together as a team for the benefit of the client and their family. Hospice compliments us by providing medications to keep the client comfortable, providing a bath aide as needed, providing social services to the client and the family, and also chaplain services as needed.
Keith: So, you don’t have to choose Priority Home health Care or Hospice when that time comes to bring Hospice in?
Grace: “No. If you want Hospice services, you can be admitted by them to stay either in your home Or into AJAN Adult Family Home. We can work with Hospice anywhere.
Keith: I know that Hospice also provides the chaplaincy as well emotional support for the family.
How do people reach you if they need any of these services or a nurse that says I want in?
Grace said, “Please call us at 509-619-0811, or reach us by email at info@priorityhomehealth.care.